QC Veteran Outreach Center’s Big Grill Out Thank You For Your Service Day
The Quad City Veterans Outreach is a center focused on assisting and reaching out to serve those who have served us. So mark your calendars for Big Grill Out Thank You For Your Service Day on Saturday, July 22nd!
The grill out happens at the Outrech (250 W. 35th Street Davenport) from 11AM-1PM with a food giveaway, lunch, prizes and gift drawings, and chair massages. There will also be a book exchange and a work clothes closet.
QC Vets Outreach is also launching a Wall of Honor, so please bring a photo of yourself and years of service or one for a loved one to join the Wall as we say thank you to our Veterans.
For more info visit the Outreach or call 563-529-4782.
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