Psychic & Paranormal Expo Happens This Weekend
The Quad Cities 5th Annual Psychic and Paranormal Expo this weekend.
Did you miss the first 4, like I did?
There'll be ghost hunters, a medium doing gallery readings, learning about intuition and more.
A dude by the name of Daniel Klaes is the founder of the Greater Western New York Paranormal Society which has tackled some challenging paranormal cases in the region. Dan is also a producer of Behind the Shadows which is a documentary series.
In June of 2015, Dan realized a lifelong dream. The infamous Hinsdale House, site of the infestation and structural exorcism became available for purchase. Wasting no time, he made an offer that was accepted and became the owner. Klaes immediately began renovations to stabilize the house, which continues to this day. Shortly afterward he opened the location for paranormal research and has hosted local, national and international paranormal teams.
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