What started out as a prank turned into a full on police investigation. Somebody in Hamilton Township, New Jersey sent a bag of penis-shaped candy to the mayor.

Mayor Kelly Yeade received the package featuring 100 pieces of candy that are all shaped like the male appendage. The website Dysfunctional Veterans offers to send the prank gift to anybody and tell them to "eat a bag of d----!"

The mayor's office didn't find the prank funny and called in the police. "My staff intercepted it and then asked the Hamilton Township police department to find out the origin of the package," Mayor Yeade, who was out of the office when the package arrived, told NJ.com.

The Hamilton Township Police Department reached out to Dysfunctional Veterans, who would not turn over the prankster's name. "When I was alerted to it I didn't give it a second thought, and laughed it off," Mayor Yeade said. "It was a prank and that's all I took it was."

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