Parents Take Over Teen’s Social Accounts As Punishment
Madelynn Sumpter, 15, was caught helping boys sneak in to a sleep over party, and her parents knew they needed to teach her a lesson.
Her mom, Tawnya, said "You can either go a month without your phone, or two weeks without a phone and we get full control of your social media." Madelynn picked the second option without much consideration.
Larry, Madelynn's dad, has been the main attraction of the social media, creating a huge fanbase on all of the accounts from Madelynn's school. She's beginning to regret the decision.
Larry's taken a particular liking to TikTok, the new social media many use to create lip-syncing videos.
He's also begun to enjoy Instagram, where he posts some more... embarrassing photos of himself.
Larry said Madelynn said she tried to change her mind after day one, but he told her he's too invested and had too many ideas. He has plans to start his own TikTok account once his fun run is up.
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