Weather Man Wins World Pinball Championship In His Home State
A Florida man has redeemed his state this week.
WFLA’s Eric Stone competed in the IFPA17 World Pinball Championship in Fort Myers this past weekend, representing his home state of Florida. This huge event brought 64 of the top pinball players from 14 different countries to compete against each other for the title of World Pinball Champion.
Some of the countries included Denmark, Austria, and even Australia, but the country that took the win was America. Tampa Florida to be exact!
Congratulation to Florida meteorologist Eric Stone for winning the IFPA17 World Pinball Championship!
Stone said he competed against 63 players in 8 rounds of four-player pinball games. After those rounds, many players were eliminated. Stone then competed against the top 32 players to be the first one to win four out of seven games.
Over the weekend Eric Stone brought home the trophy label with his new title of world champion of pinball machine players.
“This one is extra special because I won it right here in my home in Florida,” Stone said.
The weatherman has been playing pinball since he was only 4 years old and played competitively for over 6 years. Previously, Stone won the Open World Championship held in California in 2020.
Due to COVID, the IFPA World Championship had been held since 2019.
According to the International Flipper Pinball Association, Eric Stone is ranked 14th in the World Pinball Player Rankings with 658.12 points. Currently ranked #1 is Raymond Davidson from Elk Grove Village, IL, totaling 1087.43.
Looking through Stone's professional pinball history on the IFPA website, Stone holds 13 first-place wins out of 20 different pinball tournaments. This is his 2nd World Championship win, his first one being in 2020.
Watch Eric Stone Playing Pinball on Twitch Here: BatcavePinball on Twitch
Listen to our interview with Eric Stone here:
Read More Here: WFLA News

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