Man Tries to Get Out of Paying Rent by Playing Dead
There HAD to be a better way to get an extension on paying rent than this.
There's a 28-year-old guy named Ted Zarins in Fort Kent, Maine, and apparently, he was late on his rent. He knew his landlord was coming by to collect earlier this week. So . . . Ted PLAYED DEAD.
When the landlord came into his apartment, he found Ted, pretending to be either unconscious or actually dead, lying there.
And while Ted was convincing, believe it or not, the landlord didn't go, "Oh well, he's dead. Guess he doesn't owe me rent and I'll just leave now." Instead he called the police to report he had someone dead or unconscious in one of his apartments.
The cops came... and when they got there, they found Ted alive, conscious, responsive, and healthy. And he wound up admitting his scheme.
The cops also found he had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear for a criminal threatening charge, so he was arrested on that warrant.
Read more at Bangor Daily News.