Forget basketball, Whitey's Ice Cream is stepping in with a March Madness-style bracket of their own.

I don't care at all about basketball but I do care about ice cream and as any QCA resident knows, Whitey's Ice Cream is a beloved staple. They have created their March Madness bracket and people have thoughts.

The matches work like this: the winner will be on sale for the last 3 days of the month. The contest is starting with 32 flavors, which is now through March 6. It will shrink to 16 flavors from March 7-11, 8 flavors from March 12-16, 4 flavors from March 17-21, and the final two will be up for voting from March 22-27. The winner will be announced on March 29.

There are a lot of comments in Whitey's bracket post about why they matched up certain flavors against other ones. Here's the current bracket so you can see for yourself.

A lot of comments are about the absolute struggle to pick one flavor over the other. Comments on it include:

Why would you put black raspberry chip vs chocolate chip cookie dough?!?!?!


Making us choose between mint chocolate chip and praline pecan is cruel


How can one pick between Peanut Butter Pretzel Bark and Chocolate Peanut Butter Revel!?


Truly a delicious dilemma. Meanwhile, the other comments on the initial bracket are asking why a certain flavor didn't make it to the playoffs. If you're ready to vote in Flavor Madness, you can do so on Whitey's website. I'll be watching this bracket more than the actual March Madness.

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