Is the Quad Cities the BEST Place for Musicians?
Every musician, whether they’re an experienced musician or just starting out on guitar, dreams of finding that perfect place to live and work—the place that’s both affordable and filled with the kind of music scene they love. After all, it doesn’t matter how talented you are if no one is going to pay attention to your music! Whether you’re trying to bring new musicians to your own town or you’re trying to move somewhere new because of your career, make sure you know what makes a city great for musicians before you make the leap.
We're REALLY lucky to have so many great musicians in the Quad Cities. But is this area the BEST place for them?
However, Rent.com may disagree as they put together the top 50 cities for musicians to live in America.
1 San Francisco, CA
2 Washington, DC
3 Minneapolis, MN
4 Seattle, WA
5 New York, NY
6 Atlanta, GA
7 Pittsburgh, PA
7 Los Angeles, CA
9 Boston, MA
10 Glendale, CA
Chicago came in at #12, Milwaukee at #41, and Madison is at $47.
To find the best cities for musicians, we looked at the 150 most populated cities in America with sufficient data according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Our team then looked at the total number of musician-related business establishments (including but not limited to concert venues, nightclubs, music stores and music schools) and ranked each city evenly by the number of businesses per square mile of land area and the percentage of all adults in the city who work in the arts, design, entertainment, sports and media occupations as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. The cities with the best overall rankings were determined to be the best cities in America for musicians. -Rent.com
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