Hundreds of Classic Cars Lost in Central Illinois Dealership Fire
If you travel to St. Louis via I-55 south, you've no doubt passed by Country Classic Cars just off the highway in Staunton, Il. It's a sleepy little place you might not notice if it weren't the hundreds of old cars lined up along the road.
Tuesday night a fire raged through the warehouse building that contained some of the more valuable cars, as well as some there for sale on consignment. 100 firefighters battled the blaze for more than 2 hours, but the devastation was, well, devastating. More than 100 classics burnt beyond recognition, not to mention the businesses' buildings and property.
I've stopped there a few times in my travels, sitting in and kicking the tires of these dreams-on-wheels but never was able to buy one. Watching the video below was pretty tough for me--and if you love cars, it will be for you too.
No one was hurt in the blaze. But the home for classic cars in central Illinois was destroyed.
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