Earlier this year, Apple made the decision to settle a class-action lawsuit over the throttling of iPhone batteries. The company is responsible for paying out $500 million to anyone who owned one of the affected iPhones.

If you owned one of the following iPhones, you're entitled to a cut of the settlement:

  • iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, SE running iOS 10.2.1 or later
  • iPhone 7 or 7 Plus running iOS 11.2

The phone must have been owned before December 21, 2017. 

If you meet that criteria, you're eligible to a cold $25.

It helps if you know the serial number of the device affected, but if you don't, you can log in with your Apple ID to see if any of your devices were one on the list.

I mean $25 is $25, so it's worth checking to see if you're on the list.

Don't expect to be getting an instant $25, though. The filing deadline is October 6th, and the court will have a hearing on December 4th to make the final decision. So, you might be getting $25, hopefully by 2021, maybe.

Read more at Gizmodo

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