Help Identify The People Who Spray Painted 22 Parked Cars in Davenport
Hooligans are on the loose in Davenport Iowa, and they are vandalizing cars.
The reason why: Who knows... They are probably idiot kids.
The Davenport Police posted this on their Facebook yesterday August 1st, "The Davenport Police Department is seeking our community’s assistance in locating a suspect vehicle shown below along with any associated individuals. On Sunday, July 31, 2022, between the hours of 6:00 - 11:00 PM, Davenport Police received 22 calls for service in reference to a vehicle driving erratically and spray painting parked cars. At this time, fifteen vehicles and one fence were damaged."
Police said the incidents were scattered in the northwest part of town. Two of the incidents happened in northeast Davenport.
Here is Ring Doorbell footage of the suspect car doing a drive-by paint job.
The suspect vehicle seems to have a black rim on the front passenger side.
The woman whose fence got vandalized posted this on Facebook, "Here’s our fence. I’m sure it would have been more detailed artwork had they not seen me in the backyard. Saw both of them. One ran away laughing while the other ran away pulling his shirt over his head as if we hadn’t already seen their faces."
This car was not just a drive-by paint job. The suspects took the time to write a specific message.
Here is a video of an angry car owner. (Prepare to hear a lot of F-bombs)
More Ring footage captured the car pulled up in someone's driveway.
The car has a sunroof, but no front plates.
The Davenport Police Department is seeking the public’s help in locating the vehicle and any associated individuals.
How to get spray paint off your car:
Get any brand of non-acetone nail polish remover. It's formulated to take the enamel layer off fingernails, which is essentially what you're attempting to do with your car's finish. Pour some liquid onto a terrycloth towel. Rub very gently to remove spray paint.
Our Friend Kurt From QC Detail recommended Xylene as another alternative, if you have a little patience, noting that just about anything you use will leave the finish needing some extra attention. If you need a professional to take care of it, Kurt is where I take all my cars for light detailing, and heavy-duty finish restoration.
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