A grandma who was present for what was her third grandchild's gender reveal took "So close, I could taste it" to a new level.

The unnamed grandma was featured in a clip from ViralHog that started with the parents-to-be standing with the siblings-to-be. The father twists a confetti cannon, revealing pink confetti to symbolize the incoming baby being a girl.

When little Junior goes to kick his soccer ball designed for gender reveal (you can get them on Amazon for like $20), it leaves a cloud of pink powder.

ViralHog via YouTube
ViralHog via YouTube

Well, grandma, who's enjoying a cigarette, doesn't realize she's in the splash zone. Or, powder zone? She doesn't realize she's in the way of the powder cloud coming her way.

Grandma must've been cheering or something because that powder found its way right onto her tongue.

ViralHog via YouTube
ViralHog via YouTube

It might be the first gender reveal to get the baby's grandma good, without maiming or killing her.

Check out the whole video here:

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