For Every 100 Miles You Drive, You Swear 41 Times
Here's how bad our road rage is: A recent poll found that for every 100 miles you drive, you swear 41 times.
That's about once every two-and-a-half miles. But 46% of us still don't think we curse too much behind the wheel. Here are the top ten things that make us swear while we're driving...
- Someone cuts you off.
- Almost getting hit by someone changing lanes.
- Seeing someone texting and driving.
- Drivers who don't use their turn signals.
- A pedestrian stepping into the road without looking.
- Drivers who won't turn off their brights.
- Someone driving too slowly in front of you.
- Someone taking up two spaces in a parking lot.
- Drivers who don't wave to say thanks when you let them in.
- People who drive slowly in the fast lane and won't move over.
Read more at Mirror.
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