Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes Wednesday 09/04/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
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The Surgeon Who Removed A Liver
A doctor in Florida is being sued after a man who had been experiencing pain needed a splenectomy, but the guy suddenly died. Well, in the autopsy, it turned out the spleen was still in there with a cyst on it, and his liver was missing.
This wasn't the doctor's first time doing this - an issue last year came up when he was supposed to remove an adrenal gland off a kidney, and removed part of a pancreas.
Nub City
In the 50s and 60s, two-thirds of the country's insurance payouts for accidental limb loss were filed in Vernon, FL. A bunch of people would dismember themselves for a payout. One guy had insurance from 28 companies, and shot off his own foot for a combined $1M payout.
Errol Morris made a documentary about the town in the 80s, the entirety of which you can watch here on YouTube.
Neurosurgeon Let Her Daughter Drill Into A Skull
A man needed emergency brain surgery after a forestry accident, the surgeon allowed his 13-year-old daughter do the drilling into the skull.
The patient is now suing since finding out from someone who was in the operating room.
Click the image to read the full story.
Dwyer's Basement Flood Is Uncovering Some Cool Stuff
Dwyer's basement had a sewage reversal in his basement, which means going through all the stuff that was stored down there over the years. He's found some awesome stuff - some of which is from his father-in-law's stuff.
Like these pencil sketches of his wife's grandma and grandpa.
A New Documentary Series
If you're a true-crime person, there's a new documentary series on Netflix you need to see about multiple stories relating to bad ex-boyfriends, called Worst Ex Ever.
Brian May Had A Stroke
Brian may took to Instagram to reveal that he had a small stroke the other day, losing use of his left arm out of the blue.
“I say this because it was in some doubt because that little health hiccup that I mentioned happened about a week ago and what they called it was a minor stroke. It was a little scary, I have to say.”
He doesn't want any sympathy though. “Please don’t do that because it’ll clutter up my inbox and I hate that,” he quipped. “The good news is I’m okay. Just doing what I’m told, which is basically nothing. I’m grounded.”
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