Dr. Pepper Releasing Chocolate-Flavored Soda
Everyone knows Dr. Pepper as the drink with 23 flavors in one drink, but now the company is releasing a drink with 24.
FANtastic Chocolate is a chocolate flavored Dr. Pepper, available only for a limited time, and only to rewards members.
To get the drink, you'll have to buy some Dr. Pepper, and scan the QR code to created a Pepper Perks account. Every time you scan a Pepper product, you'll get rewards points. After reaching the required amount of points, you'll have your chance to purchase the new flavor.
There's some reports saying you only need 100 points, which it sounds like you can get from a two-liter or two.
The packaging is decked out in the classic Dr. Pepper colors, with an added chocolate and chocolate footballs.
While you're at it, trying to get some chocolate pop, you'll also have the chance to win a trip to the College Football Playoff National Championship and redeem some other Dr. Pepper gear.
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