Celebrate Rhythm City’s 1st Year Anniversary Friday!
97X congratulates Rhythm City Casino on their first anniversary in their new location on Elmore Avenue. Friday, come celebrate with Bill Stage & Goose broadcasting from 2-4!
- They’re giving away $10,000 in free slot play throughout the day!
- Hot Seat Drawings every 10 minutes for $100 in free slot play from 9am-9pm.
- A string quartet (Artistrings) will be performing from 4pm-8:30pm in the Grand Hallway.
- Richie Lee will be performing in the Rhythm Room from 8:30pm to mid
- At 6pm, the time the doors opened to the public last year, they’ll be handing out champagne and cupcakes to everyone.
- Photo booth in the Grand Hallway for guests to enjoy
Celebrate Rhythm City’s 1st Anniversary
This Friday from 2-4
With Bill Stage & Goose & 97X
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