Car Broken Down? A White Bag Could Keep It From Getting Towed
In the Quad Cities it is not a rare occurrence, unfortunately, to see multiple cars in the ditch after a snow storm. Especially on the interstates, the morning after seems like a real life game of Mario Cart where everyone loses.
When you drive past you may wonder, "are those people ok...should I call the cops..." but then you see the caution tape tied to the bumper or the mirror. Which means that emergency personnel have already been there and have cleared the scene.
But what if you see a plastic bag or a white towel tied to the mirror?
It means "I'm coming back...please don't tow me!"
According to, a plastic bag tied to your side mirror will indicate that your vehicle is not abandoned. It means that you've broken down and plan to get it moved as soon as you're able to get ahold of police or a tow truck.
Still, a towel or bag isn’t a free pass to keep your vehicle parked in a random public place forever. Cars abandoned on public roads will get towed away eventually, and you’ll be contacted by the police. In many states, the fine for leaving your vehicle on the side of the road is a few hundred dollars.
So the next time you consider cleaning that horrible mess in your car, maybe hang on to a few of those random shopping bags that are stuck between the seat. It could mean the difference between tracking down a tow truck or tracking down where a tow truck has taken your car.
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