Bikers 4 Backpacks Will Get Rock Island/Milan Kids Ready For School
Another school year is fast approaching. But an estimated 15 million students in America will start the school year without the proper supplies. Here in the Quad Cities, a group of bikers wants to make sure that doesn't happen.
Bikers 4 Backpacks 8th annual school supply fundraiser.
Sunday, July 24, the 8th annual Bikers 4 Backpacks will be taking a ride as they raise money and collect school supplies for children in Rock Island and Milan school districts.
Registration is from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at Kavanaugh's Hilltop. The "cost of the ride" is a backpack with 3 or more of the following school supplies.
- Backpacks
- Gluesticks
- Scissors
- Elmers glue
- Calculators
- Colored pencils
- Pocket folders
- College ruled notebooks
- Wide ruled notebooks
- Loose leaf paper
- Cigar shaped pencil box
- Markers (fat, large or small)
- 24 count crayons
Or if you don't have time to make it to a store to pick up some supplies, cash donations are always accepted and appreciated.
Where will Bikers 4 Backpacks be going?
The group of bikers will be spending their Sunday driving around with planned stops at Riley's Roadhouse, Legends, Wolf Road Waystation, The Office, Knoxville Tap, Anna's, Schwiebert Park at 3:00 p.m. and a FREE Taco Bar at ICONS.

Check out the poster here, and then check out more info below on the donation presentation party taking place July 30 below that.
Come back for more with Bikers 4 Backpacks on July 30.
After all the donations are collected, then Bikers 4 Backpacks needs to distribute them to the Rock Island/Milan School Districts. Might as well do that with another party as well!
On Saturday, July 30 at The Stern Center From 2:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. the donation presentation will take place. The party will include food and drinks from Bridges Catering with music by Vital Signs. Plus there will be a basket raffle and a 50/50 drawing.
Get all the details and join in on the fun with Bikers 4 Backpacks on their Facebook page.
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