Amboy’s Depot Days 50/50 Raffle Tickets On Sale Now
What does it take to run a successful small town party?
A "Little Miss" pageant? Check
Live music? Check
Community Wide Garage Sales? Sure
Food Stands? Gotta have em
Beer Gardens? .Even more important!
Magic Show? Car Show? Craft Booths? A 5k Run? Motorcycle Show?
Why dont' you just host a 50/50 raffle that brings in over $100,000 every year? Seems easy enough!
With a population of 2,038 (according to wikipedia), Amboy Illinois hosts Depot Days August 24-27. I have no idea how the 50/50 drawing went from $8,400 in 2001 all the way up to $149,333 in 2015! Severe weather last year, brought the total down to ONLY $135,903...but they expect this year to SHATTER records!
All proceeds benefit community projects. Here's how/where you can buy your tickets!
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