Amboy’s 50/50 Raffle May Shatter Records!
Up for a roadtrip this weekend? Well, you biffed it on that whole lottery dream. That was a bust. Wanna try your hand at Amboy's Depot Days 50/50 raffle? They draw on Sunday around 4...so you may want to take a ride to Amboy, Sublette, Dixon, Compton (apparently there's a Compton, Il) or Walton to get your tickets!
They are already pacing ahead of last year at this time, so they may set a new record & you WANT to be in on that!
With a population of 2,038 (according to wikipedia), Amboy Illinois hosts Depot Days August 24-27. I have no idea how the 50/50 drawing went from $8,400 in 2001 all the way up to $149,333 in 2015! Severe weather last year, brought the total down to ONLY $135,903…but they expect this year to SHATTER records!
All proceeds benefit community projects. Ticket sales will end at our discretion and winners announced at approximately 4:00 PM Sunday August 27th.2017
Where to buy:
In Amboy: Morts Tap, The Bears Den The Last Alarm, The Long Branch Saloon,Two Sisters on Main, Napa Auto Parts,Green River Oaks Campground Jones Berry Lumber, Dinges Fire Service, The Depot Museum.Amboy City Hall.
In Sublette: Country Village Meats, Bonnells General Store, Vaessen Brothers Chevrolet, The Sublette Saloon,Shady Oaks Counrty Club.
In Dixon, Il: The Shamrock Pub, Patios Pub.
In Compton: Jerry's Tap on Hwy 251
In Walton: at The Walton Tap.
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