4 Course Beer Dinner is a Thing? Count me in!
When I first heard of the 4 Course Beer Dinner I immediately thought just drinking my meal and I was sold. Turns out the folks at Thunder Bay Grille have paired some great food to go along wih the beer from Adventurous Brewing LLC!!
And now I'm hungry and thirsty.
1st Course: Baked Ale Braised Onion Dip with Gruyere and pita chips. Paired with, "American Amber', a traditional Amber Ale.
2nd Course: Gouda IPA Bisque. Paired with, "TDH Easy Peel", a triple dry-hopped double New England IPA.
3rd Course: Porter Sous Vide Chicken served with orzo medley. Paired with, "Medium Roast", an Imperial Coffee Stout.
4th Course: Chocolate Stout Cheesecake. Paired with, "Chocolate & Vanilla", an Imperial Milk Stout.
The 4 Course Beer Dinner is happening tonight at Thunder Bay in Davenport. I think you need tickets, but it's worth digging into to see for sure.