Woman Tricked Into Thinking She Was Training To Be DEA Agent For Nearly A Year
A woman in Oregon who thought she was training to be a Drug Enforcement Administration Agent found out she'd been duped by a man pretending to be her "supervisor."
According to a criminal complaint, 41-year-old Robert Edward Golden has been accused of impersonating a DEA special agent by officials in the Portland area.
The officials allege that Golden used fake credentials to gain information from citizens, and attached blue and red lights to his car to mimic the emergency lights found on police cruisers, for "better" navigation of traffic.
Golden also was found to be in possession of a tactical vest that had patches reading "DEA Police." Also found in his vehicle were two body-armor-plate carriers, handcuffs, badges, and an AR-15 lookalike rifle that turned out to be an airsoft weapon, according to special agent Morgan T. Barr.
Police discovered the pair of "agents" on February 1st, when a police sergeant noticed one of the tactical vests sticking out of the trunk of Golden's vehicle and approached the pair.
The officer asked if Golden was a sworn federal agent, and Golden explained that he and his "trainee" are "Feds" assigned to Portland. Golden then allegedly had the woman show the officer her fake badge.
Later that night, the pair were transferred to the DEA's investigators, and it was then that Golden admitted he was in possession of fake credentials. He told the agents that he and the woman liked to "cosplay" and had the items because it provided them with "protection."
The woman told the agents that Golden gave her a DEA badge and photo ID, and told her she was in training for the previous year while in school for a criminal justice degree.
Golden also admitted to one instance of stopping a fight he happened upon by holding up his badge and identifying himself as police.
Probably a good time for the woman to think about professions other than criminal justice.
Read more at Yahoo!