Beware of Holiday Jewelry Scams: A Warning for South Carolinians

A surprise ring in your mailbox might seem like a holiday miracle, but for shoppers in South Carolina, it could actually be part of a sneaky scam. This season, the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is cautioning consumers about a scheme called brushing, which is more trouble than treasure.

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The “Gift” That’s Too Good to Be True

Imagine opening a package to find a sparkling ring with no note or receipt. While it might feel like an unexpected treat, these unsolicited deliveries are often part of a brushing scam. Scammers send cheap jewelry—like imitation designer rings or moissanite replicas—to random people, then use your name to post fake product reviews as a "verified buyer."

The real concern? These scammers already have access to your personal details, like your name and address—and possibly more.

Curious office worker receiving a suspicious parcel
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Brushing Scam PSA

Have you received a package in the mail, but didn't order anything? Watch this video to learn about brushing scams before you get taken.

What Should You Do If It Happens to You?

South Carolinians, especially those shopping online this holiday season, should remain vigilant. If you receive an unexpected package, follow these steps:

  • Don’t Pay for It: You’re not legally obligated to pay for items you didn’t order.
  • Return It: If the package has a return address and is unopened, write “RETURN TO SENDER” and the USPS will send it back free of charge.
  • Dispose of It: If you’d rather not deal with returning it, simply throw it away.
  • Keep It (With Caution): There’s no penalty for keeping unsolicited items, but be aware of the risks.
  • Change Your Passwords: Update the passwords on your online accounts to prevent further issues.
  • Monitor Your Finances: Check your bank and credit card statements regularly for any unauthorized transactions.
  • Report It: Alert local authorities or the Postal Inspection Service, especially if the package contains unusual items like liquids or food.
  • Contact the Retailer: If the item came through a platform like Amazon or eBay, file a complaint and request the removal of any fraudulent reviews in your name.
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Stay Safe and Shop Smart

As holiday shopping ramps up, protect yourself by staying cautious and proactive. While surprise packages may seem exciting, not all are as harmless as they appear. By staying alert, South Carolinians can enjoy the holiday season without falling for unwanted scams.

Remember: The best gifts are the ones you expect—not random ones in the mail.

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LOOK: The biggest scams today and how you can protect yourself from them

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