Use a Power Washer to Carve a Jack-O-Lantern
I took the kids to grab some pumpkins this past weekend. Normally we try and hit a pumpkin patch but any place around me seemed to have too many restrictions to really have a good time. But it's 2020, so no surprises there.
We ended up going to a local greenhouse that had a decent variety for sale. The kids picked their favorites and we were on our merry (scary?) way.
The kids were instructed to plan their pumpkin faces on a piece of paper as I learned to do it as a child. Then they took a sharpie to the pumpkin and of course made the holes too small for me to cut out without breaking a tooth off or lopping a pupil accidently.
Seems like there should be a better way. Decades upon decades of pumpkin carving and the best we can come up with is setting out newspapers and tracing the cryptic drawings with a butter knife?
Enter Stiltbeast Studios, a YouTube channel that shows you ways to DIY your haunt for Halloween! Yes, the same people that gave you instructions on how to make bodies from barrels and pumpkins out of pool noodles...or showed you how to upgrade your mummy mask or make a weeping angel display for under $40 now gives you "powerwash pumpkin carving".
Finally a way to carve a pumpkin that uses the same tools you need to wash up after you're done!
It may be too late for you this year...but at least you'll have an idea of how to clean up after you forget about your pumpkin and have to clean up the hardened crust off your steps in the spring.
LOOK: 34 spooky dessert recipes for this Halloween
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