We're one week away from the one day a year where we're supposed to celebrate our love. The other 364 days? Nothing but spite, baby.

Couple Arguing in Cafe

Buzzfeed asked people to share the pettiest ways they've ever gotten revenge in a relationship. Here are some of my favorites:

"After a fight, my husband stormed out of the house and said he was going to see a movie. I knew which one it was and he'd been looking forward to it, so I Googled spoilers and texted them to him while he was driving there."

"He called me a name, so I cut the nipples out of his shirts."

"I waited until he had finished the second-to-last episode of a show on Netflix, then I changed the password."

"I mashed his iPhone charger so it wouldn't work, and then I ate his leftover Popeyes biscuits in the fridge."

"After an argument, I put a shrimp in the hollow part of the curtain rod and closed it up."

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