The Most Common Words People Mispronounce
Here's a list of common words people mispronounce all the time. There's a chance you've gone your whole life pronouncing at least one of them wrong.
- Mischievous. It's three syllables, not four. Some people say "mis-chee-vee-us."
- Espresso. There's no "X" in there, but a lot of people pronounce it "ex-presso."
- Prerogative. There's an "R" after the "P." So it's "pre-rogative", not "per-ogative." You'll probably never get called out for that one though.
- Asterisk. A lot of people say "aster-ix," like there's an "X" at the end. But it ends in "S-K," so it's aster-isk."
- Triathlon. Almost everyone pronounces four syllables, tri-ath-uh-lon. But it's really just three, "tri-ath-lon."
- Supposedly. A lot of people pronounce it like there's a "B" at the end, "supposably." Which is actually a word, but they mean slightly different things.
"Supposedly" with a "D" means "apparently" and "supposably" with a "B" means "conceivably."
Read the full list at Inc.