Teen Gets Trapped in Baby Swing Making TikTok
This is enough to make a parent Tik'd.
A UK teen was shooting a TikTok that for some reason required her to be in a baby swing at a local park.
"It was a really bizarre situation to walk into," Charlie Maclean, the mother of the girl, said.
Layani Maclean, 14, was at the park shooting the TikTok with friends, who were taking turns getting in the swing.
Layani got stuck in the swing, and tried to get out for 90 minutes before finally having her friends call for help.
“When my neighbor called to tell me I just started laughing, but when I arrived it was clear it was a bit more serious than I initially thought,” said Charlie.
Firefighters unhinged the swing, and ended up using a soapy solution to get the swing past her legs, while cracking every joke in the book about swings they could think of.
Read more at New York Post