It's the time of year when you hear "Yeah, it's going around" when everyone gets sick, but this year is seeing some issues we haven't seen in over a decade.
Federal authorities took down a major streaming website that had become a go-to for sports fans across Alabama and beyond. The site, which had around 15 million visitors every month, suddenly went offline, leaving users scrambling for answers.
Have you ever been in a store and heard an announcement over the intercom with codes you didn't understand? You might wonder if something out of the ordinary is about to happen.
You may be looking to travel abroad, and you should know that right now,19 regions are currently classified as Level 4, the highest-danger-risk category.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is issuing a warning to parents: be on alert for potential doxing and swatting incidents involving their children, particularly those who are active in online gaming communities.
Many people are starting to question the origins of their chocolate for health and ethical reasons. There’s a growing push to stop supporting chocolate brands tied to unethical practices and slave labor.
There's typically no better place to shop when you need a deal than a thrift store, like Goodwill. They keep their prices low because the items are donated to the store, so they don't have any sort of overhead for their stock.
Chances are, it's been a while since you were inside of a post office to ship something out, but years ago, it wasn't unusual to regularly send packages to loved ones, whether it was small gifts, big gifts, or even just some homemade cookies to remind someone of home.