Over a Quarter of Us Have Suffered a Groin-Grooming Injury
You'd think we'd be pretty careful using sharp objects near our crotches. But according to a new survey, more than a quarter of us have suffered an injury while taking care of our groin-grooming needs.
More than 7,500 people were polled. 76% said they've groomed their hair down there at least once in their life. And 26% of them have suffered at least one injury.
61% of those injuries were cuts, 23% involved burns from things like hot wax, and 12% were a rash that showed up afterward. Here are some more stats from the survey:
- The spot where guys suffer the most groin-grooming injuries is their scrotum. For women, it's the area right above their lady bits, the mons pubis.
- Guys who are hairier than average were more likely to have suffered an injury, which makes sense. Women who'd removed all their hair more than once in their life had a higher rate of injuries than women who hadn't.
- Luckily, most groin-grooming injuries are pretty minor. Only 1.4% of people who've hurt themselves had to seek medical attention, a few people did require stitches though.
Read more at Live Science.
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