New Pedal-Powered Car Makes “The Flintstones” a Reality
We've finally done it! Technology in 2018 has finally advanced to the point that we've caught up with a family from the Stone Age.
A Dutch engineering company just created a car that is powered just like a car from "The Flintstones" would be, with your feet. The good news is, you don't have to run on the ground.
The FitCar PPV (Pedal Powered Vehicle) swaps out a gas pedal for a set of bicycle pedals and you have to use them if you want to drive anywhere. In order to stop, you have to use a handbrake on the steering wheel, kind of like how a bike is set up.
The creators claim that using the car during a half-hour commute would burn 300 calories. So far they do not have an international patent on the car, so we might not see them in the States for a while.