At a Sam’s Club in Henry County, Georgia, a mother has been arrested and charges are being prepared against her daughter following a violent confrontation with a store employee.

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Cell Phone Footage of the Fight via Instagram @its_onsite

Chaos Erupts at Sam’s Club: Mother Arrested After Pizza Order Denied

The incident, which was captured on cellphone video, unfolded when a family attempted to place a pizza order just before closing time, leading to an altercation that left one employee injured.

The chaotic scene erupted on the night of July 10, as Cierra Monroe and her co-workers were wrapping up their shift at the Jonesboro Road location in an Atlanta suburb. Just two minutes before closing, a family of three—consisting of Andreana McKnight and her two daughters—entered the store and approached the club café to order two whole pizzas.

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Monroe recounted the moments that followed, “The mom, she gets upset and she goes from in front of the register, and she comes back into the kitchen, and when she comes into the kitchen, she swings on me,” Monroe said. “Once she swings on me, she punches me in my face, and then her two daughters come from the front. I was not expecting that at all.”

Fight Caught On Video

Cellphone footage captured the melee, showing a woman in a black shirt (Monroe) being attacked by another woman in a white shirt, with additional participants escalating the fight. The video also revealed bystanders attempting to intervene and separate the combatants.

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The altercation took a serious turn when Henry County police arrived on the scene and arrested McKnight, charging her with battery. Her pregnant daughter, 20-year-old Victoria Wilson, who was also involved in the fight, was taken to the hospital for her injuries. A warrant has since been issued for her arrest.

The Worker Wants The Store To Have Security

Monroe, who sustained bruises and continues to suffer from headaches, expressed concerns about safety measures at the store. “Prior to, we did have an altercation with another customer and he was escorted out,” Monroe said. “But he was escorted out by the employees, though. I just feel like we need to have security from the moment we open to the moment we close, every day, seven days a week.”

The incident has sparked a conversation about the necessity of full-time security at retail locations. A spokesperson for Sam’s Club acknowledged the severity of the situation and assured that the company is cooperating with the police investigation. However, they did not comment on any plans to implement permanent security measures.

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