Why are kids in Illinois missing so many days of School?
Students in Illinois are missing school at an alarming rate, who is to blame, and why are kids not showing up to class?

According to an article on Chalkbeat Chicago, students in Illinois are absent from school a lot! Test scores in the Land of Lincoln have still not returned to pre-pandemic levels, could the answer be that kids are still missing too much school? In the article, they say...
"About 28% of students were chronically absent from school last year...Students are considered chronically absent when they miss about 18 days, or 10% of school, with or without a valid excuse. Student mental health days also count towards chronic absenteeism. When students miss a significant amount of school it can impact their academic performance...During last school year, chronic absenteeism rates were high among students from low-income families, students experiencing homelessness, and students with Individualized Education Programs."
To read more about how Illinois schools are performing, click here!
When I was a senior in college I had to take an English class that was required for me to pass to graduate, I was on track to graduate as long as I passed this class. On the first day of class, I explained my situation to the professor, and he told me "If you have perfect attendance I promise you will pass the class" I didn't miss a class, got an A, and graduated on time. Now, I realize that story doesn't apply to everyone in every situation BUT the moral of that story is true for everyone...you have to show up. Being there is 90% of the work. Parents are failing their kids if they can't get them to class, and schools are failing students if they aren't creating an environment in which kids WANT to be in school. It is a team effort but it is worth doing to make sure kids aren't falling behind.
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Gallery Credit: Laura Ratliff
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