Iowa Joins 4/20 Law Enforcement Effort
Attention stoners, "The Man" is going to be out looking for you on 4/20. No, you're not just paranoid, Iowa law enforcement has announced they will be out conducting a specialized enforcement campaign running Friday, April 19th and Saturday, April 20th.
The effort called "Drive High, Get An OWI" is aimed at catching drug-impaired drivers during the 4/20 holiday this weekend. Iowa joins five other states in the area with similar efforts.
It is never safe to drive when impaired. This not only means refraining from drunk driving, but also from drug-impaired driving. If you think driving while high won’t affect you, you are wrong; it has been proven that THC – the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects – slows reaction times, impairs cognitive performance and makes it more difficult for drivers to keep a steady position in their lane. The bottom line is this: It doesn’t matter what term is used, if a person is high, stoned, wasted or drunk, he or she is impaired. Driving while impaired by any substance is illegal and can be deadly to the driver and other road users.
So if you're going to be out "celebrating" this weekend, make sure to Uber.
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