Iowa Dad Makes Zoom Meeting Costume for Daughter
When it comes to Halloween, some people go for a funny costume, some go for a scary costume, which this dad did. Obviously, there's nothing more dreaded than a Zoom meeting.
The costume features 9 tiles in the meeting, with the center being 12-year-old Ada's actual face. The surrounding her are Wolf Man, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Mummy, Invisible Man, Dracula, and Blair Witch. The ninth participant's name reads "Next Victim," and is a screen showing whoever is looking at the costume.
Greg has a reputation for making kick-ass costumes for his kids. "My kids challenge me every year to make a unique costume. Building a Transformers sock robot for my son almost broke my brain, another year my daughter went as our neighbors' doors. So, this year I wanted to make it a lot simpler," he told CNN.
He also made his son a "Piranha Feeding Frenzy Costume," where his son was being eaten by a mechanical piranha.
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