If You See Purple Paint Outside Nashville, Turn Around Immediately
While you're out exploring the wilderness in 2024, there's some things you should keep an eye out for, just to make sure you're not putting yourself in a dangerous or unlawful situation.
While you're enjoying that natural Tennessee beauty, you may come across trees marked with purple paint. It's important that you know what this means, and why you should turn around immediately.
Are These Markings Even Important?
The short answer is yes. These markings are able to take place of a warning sign that you should know so you don't end up in legal trouble. Many states have laws with purple paint, so pay attention if you live on the border.
South Carolina Courts Say
According to Section 16-11-600 which outlines the states laws when it comes to trespassing on private property,
(2) by marking boundaries with a clearly visible purple-painted marking, consisting of one vertical line not less than eight inches in length and two inches in width, and the bottom of the mark not less than three nor more than six feet from the ground or normal water surface. These marks must be affixed to immovable, permanent objects that are not more than one hundred yards apart and readily visible to any person approaching the property.
According to Tennessee Law
In Tennessee, the State House moved to amend the bill HB0078 to include violations of trespassing to include purple paint among the signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of someone entering the property.

Purple paint is able to be used as an alternative to signage to show property lines and private land posting.
There are some rules to how the paint is hung, however.
Each paint mark must be a vertical line of at least eight inches in length, and the bottom of the mark shall be no less than three feet or more than five feet from the base of the tree or post.
Stay safe out there, and stay vigilant so you stay where you're supposed to stay.
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Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz
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