March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month. The Kidney Cancer Association has encouraged everyone to #OrangeUP and Davenport is joining other cities across the country to make a big deal about it. They're lighting up the Davenport Sky Bridge with bright orange lights to make everyone aware of kidney cancer.

Over 600,000 people in the US have it, so it's really important to spread the word.

Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash
Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

The Power of Illumination

The Davenport Sky Bridge will be orange from March 6-12, 2023, to show support for people who have kidney cancer and to teach others about it. Raising awareness and educating the public about these symptoms can help people detect kidney cancer earlier and improve their chances of successful treatment.

Early Detection is Key: Kidney Cancer is the Silent Killer

An estimated 82,000 new cases of kidney cancer are expected in 2023.  Kidney cancer often shows no symptoms in its early stages, making it difficult to detect. However, there are several warning signs that people should be aware of, such

  • as blood in the urine
  • an abdominal mass
  • back or flank pain
  • low blood count.



The Davenport Bridge Goes Orange for Kidney Cancer Awareness

Do you know why orange is the color they picked? It's because it means courage, hope, and determination. Other cities are doing the same thing as Davenport and lighting up their buildings with orange lights.

So if you see the Davenport Bridge with bright orange lights in March, remember that it's for kidney cancer awareness. And if you or someone you know has any symptoms, make sure to see a doctor. Early detection can really help!

Harrison Ford's Illinois Childhood Home

Before Harrison Ford became an A-list celebrity this famous actor grew up in Cook County, Illinois, went to  Park Ridge’s Maine East High School and graduated in 1960. This is where he lived a long long time ago in a suburb not so far far away.

Former QC Weather Guy Opens Super Unique AirBNB in an Old Church in Galena

Ex QC weather guy Terry Swails an his wife Carolynne have started an AirBnB. This 1894 chapel was fully renovated and holds 10 guests with 3 bedrooms, 3 beds, and 3 baths in Galena, Il.

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