Downtown Davenport will be filled with ghouls and goblins Sunday, October 30th as the City’s annual Halloween parade kicks off at 2:00 p.m.

The City of Davenport is looking for creative people to build a Halloween float and show off their spooky decorations in the annual parade.

Get involved by submitting a parade entry application below or sign-up to volunteer during the event by October 14. Entries into the parade are limited.

Visit the website:

There has not been a route release yet, but typically the parade heads west on 3rd Street in downtown Davenport. Several downtown streets will be closed early that day in preparation for the parade.


Davenport city-wide trick-or-treat will be on Oct. 31 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., according to the city website.

Photos from Davenport's Halloween Parade 2021

There is nothing I hate more than spooky dolls. Yuck.

This photo of Davenport looks like a scene from the movie Halloween Town.

Here is an awesome Beetlejuice parade float from last year.

This is what it looked like at night with its glowing lights.

This float has a dead theme with its casket and tombstones.

On the other side are the dead ghouls and ghosts.

This float made sure to load up on candy.

Questions about this year's parade?  Email

10 Household Tasks To Get Your Home Ready For The Fall Season

When September hits I'd like to think the world divides into two. One half is clinging on to summer with everything they have, while the other half is already starting to put pumpkins around their house and watching scary movies by the fireplace.

Although the official first day of fall is September 22, many people like to start fall traditions early as it excites them and brings them that warm fuzzy feeling. As the days become shorter and the weather changes there are tasks to be done when being a homeowner. Not only does one's mindset change as the seasons do, but the chores around the house change as well.

Now that the seasons are changing it is time to start preparing your home for the weather to come. We have gathered some important fall home maintenance tasks to get you and your home ready for the chilly season.

Here are 10 ways to get your home ready for fall.

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