Book Club for Albums: Aerosmith ‘Rocks’
So, you seemed to like my idea of a Book Club For Albums. (clunky idea) So, we're going to run with it!
Each week, I'll be assigning an album to listen to. You can listen in your car on CD, through your Bluetooth via mp3, or on a cassette tape player that screeches loudly when you hit "rewind" or on vinyl, laid back with headphones on. I don't care.
However, I'm going to make a concerted effort to sit down, turn off my phone, look through the liner notes and really try and enjoy the music with no distractions. With 2 young kids at home, it may be next to impossible but an effort will be put forth.
The initial idea was to pick a "forgotten album" but as Dwyer & Michaels discussed this morning, listening to a whole album is in itself a "forgotten" tradition. So, I'm going to pick a great album and odds are we haven't listened to it for quite some time.
Here's the fun part. I'm going to do a review and invite you to share your opinion on-air and Facebook live next week. Call in, write in the comment section, email...whatever. I want your take on the album and how you listened.