Good news for anyone who dropped out of school to follow a dream. No matter how it ended, you probably did better than this guy.

25-year-old Alexander Sperber has been studying to get his master's degree at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. But on Tuesday, he woke up and decided to rob a bank, because he thought it would be a good way to launch his comedy career.

Sperber walked into a bank in Fort Lauderdale, claimed he had a gun, and left with about $4,700. Then he got naked and started running down the street tossing cash in the air.

A pack of red dye in the bag they gave him exploded and got all over his clothes. Apparently that's why he stripped down. I have no idea why he thought any of it would help him become a comedian.

He was arrested back in 2014 for misusing 911. Other than that, his record is pretty clean. It's not clear if he has a history of mental illness, but the police report says he was "coherent" when they talked to him.

He's facing bank robbery charges, and a minimum of 10 years in prison if he's convicted.

Broward County Sheriff's Office
Broward County Sheriff's Office

Read more at Sun-Sentinel.

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