Gabe Glidden, no relation to the paint company, was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and knows more than he'd like to admit about the misery of cheering for those sports teams. He has worked in radio broadcasting since 2014, all of that time spent in the Midwest. Claiming to be the creator of the world-famous Flannel Fridays, which may or may not be true, he's been playing guitar since age 11. Music is in his blood!
Iowa’s Caitlin Clark Receives Autographed Jersey From Her Idol [WATCH]
Caitlin Clark receives an autographed jersey from her childhood idol.
Should Iowans Cover Their AC Units in the Winter?
Do you need to worry about covering your AC unit during Iowa winters?
The Most Dangerous Time of the Day to Drive in Iowa
What time of the day is it the most dangerous to drive in Iowa?
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin Winters Might Be Warmer Than Normal
Most of the Midwest could experience warmer than normal winters.
Iowan Purchases One of the Rarest Guitars in the World
An Iowan has officially purchased one of the rarest guitars in the world and you probably know who he is.
Why Doesn’t Iowa Have This Law When Driving?
Why doesn't Iowa have this driving law put into place?
Have You Ever Seen This Urban Legend In Iowa? [VIDEO]
Have you ever seen this urban legend in Iowa?
Extremely Rare Amphibian Spotted In Eastern Iowa [PHOTO]
A rare frog was spotted in eastern Iowa.
Did A Round Of Golf Help This Man Win Big With The Iowa Lottery?
A good round of golf helps this Iowa man with big in the lottery.
How Much Do Iowans Like Drugs? Turns Out, Not Much
Where does Iowa rank in drug use compared to every other state?