49% of Women Drop Hints When They Want a Guy to Propose
If your girlfriend wants you to propose, there's a 50/50 chance she's been dropping hints about it. And they're probably not subtle.
Researchers talked to 2,000 men who are currently married or engaged. And 49% said their wife or fiancée DID drop hints. Here are the top five not-so-subtle signs your girlfriend wants you to propose:
- You notice her watching a lot of shows or movies about weddings or proposals.
- She keeps talking about weddings, or other people who got engaged.
- She buys wedding magazines, and leaves them out where you can see them.
- She forwards you emails from jewelry brands. (Wow, subtle.)
- When you walk by a jewelry store, she stops to look at rings in the window.
The survey also asked about the top spots men HIDE engagement rings before they propose. The top ten include a shoebox, at their parents' house, at work, in their car, and in the back of their underwear drawer.
Just don't expect a guy to propose too early. It takes the average man seven months to realize they've found "the one." Then once a guy does decide to propose, it takes another two months to buy a ring.
Read more at the NY Post.