27% of Us Zone Out While Driving and Here Are The Top Causes
Do you ever do this? And are you doing it right now? A new survey found 27% of us regularly zone out while we're driving.
The average is four times a week. And 55% of drivers said they sometimes feel like they're just on "autopilot" behind the wheel. (It's not clear what the difference is between "zoning out" and being on "autopilot.")
Having a lot on your mind is the #1 reason we zone out. 49% agreed it's true. The rest of the top five are being tired, driving the same stretch of road all the time, driving the same route every day, and because driving is just boring.
Here are a few more random stats from the survey:
- 90% of us think we're good drivers. And that's even though 22% of us have had someone comment on our BAD driving before.
- 49% of us sometimes get distracted while driving. Eating and using our phone are the top two things that distract us.
- 49% also have a friend of family member who's such a bad driver, it makes them feel unsafe.
- And 1 in 7 of us DON'T think we'd pass if we had to retake our driver's test.