Quad Cities Ice Cream Shop Pays Tribute to the New I-74 Bridge Opening
Today is very exciting. The Quad Cities has been waiting for the grand opening of the brand new I-74 Bridge! It's been many years in the making and some thought it would never happen.
I've been texting with my daughter this morning. Her 8th grade class was taking a trip to learn about how the bridge was built and to take a walk on it.
She's bored out of her mind.
This is something only someone over 40 can appreciate. Wouldn't you have loved to be apart of the opening of the original I-74 bridge in 1935? I'll bet even back then school kids didn't give a damn. And there were people born in 1895 griping about them getting a chance to be a part of history and not caring.
Sure, many years from now we'll be used to the new bridge and those of us who remember the old green one will be the minority. But right now...it's pretty freaking cool.
Tributes should be rolling in now in celebration of it's grand opening. But so far the only one I have seen is from another Quad Cities landmark. Whitey's Ice Cream, who opened in 1933, are just a couple years older than the original I-74 Bridge!
In celebration of the I-74 Bridge opening on December 1, we are going to mark the occasion by introducing the Bridge Sundae as our December Treat of the Month.
This sundae will feature two sugar cookie halves to represent the two bridges, with Mississippi Mud Ice Cream and chocolate sauce underneath to represent the Mississippi River.
This sundae will be the price of a two-dip regular sundae for the month.
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