There are a lot of hidden gems in Iowa.  What many on the East and West Coast consider flyover country we call home.  And home has a lot of places we know about but others we may have never seen or have forgotten how special they are.

This is a perfect example.  The World Record for the shortest and steepest railroad is right here in Iowa.  While it's changed a bit over the years it's still operating and taking passengers up the hill for a great view of the area.

Discover More In Iowa

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Iowa is more than corn.  And more than baseball in corn.  Iowa has hidden gems from Council Bluffs to Davenport and everywhere in between.  And some of those places in between are some of the most charming small cities in America.

Sometimes these hidden gems come in the form of natural beauty with fall colors.  Other times they are hidden gems for our taste buds.


No matter where you go you can find something unique in Iowa.  Including the world's shortest and steepest railroad.

The Fenelon Place Elevator Company

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At 296 feet long the Fenelon Place Elevator located in Dubuque is the shortest railroad in America.  And with an elevation of 189 feet, it also is the steepest.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, "In 1882, businessman J.K. Graves hired John Bell to build the railway.  Graves lived at the top of the Mississippi River bluff and wanted a quicker way down to the town below."

The railway is now open to the public.  For the low fee of $2 per person (one-way), you can take the trip up or down the railway.  Might want to spend the $4 to get back to your car faster.

On Wikipedia, you can see a picture from the Fenelon Place Elevator from 1940.  Back then it only cost a nickel to ride.

And what do you get when you get to the top of the short railroad ride?  One of the best views around.  You can see Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin from the observatory deck.

Enjoy another hidden gem of Iowa!

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