It’s Not All Bad…Here Are 10 Things to Look Forward to in 2022
As we all ease into a new year there are obvious hesitancies. It's like we're one of the 3 Stooges. Last new year we put up our hand to block the eye poke but got hit with a hammer instead. This year we have our guard up and are just waiting to get tossed out the window.
So, let's focus on the good!
It's Not All Bad...Here Are 10 Things to Look Forward to in 2022
Newsweek posted a big list of 22 exciting things to expect this year. Here are the highlights and why you should care about them.
Events in 2022 to Look Forward To
2022 is going to be an amazing year. Just look at this list of events coming to the Taxslayer Center. Things are just going to get better!
What The Quad Cities Did For Fun in the 90's
Many times over the years, I'll be talking with friends about years gone by and I'll say "take me back".
Every generation goes through this, I assume. Looking back at a more simple time where responsibilities haven't set in and life seems fun. Opportunities are endless.
Let's go back to the 1990's to Wacky Waters, 50 Cent Beer night and revisit Mallards Mania!
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