This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.

The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.

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Dwyer & Michaels Classic Car Calendar Is Available Now!

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

The 2025 Dwyer & Michaels Classic Car Calendar is available now at over two dozen locations for you to choose from. They're 100% free, but you should support these businesses.

Rod & Custom Auto Show

The Rod And Custom Car Show has brought the warmth of Summer car shows indoors to the Quad Cities since 1983. Come out for one day, or all three to see the best vehicles the Midwest has to offer.

Townsquare Media / Hetz
Townsquare Media / Hetz

Jr. High Fights

We all talked about having that kid in junior high that was going to fight you after school, and how you got out of it. Except Megan, she was too popular to deal with that.


Dennis Rodman Suspension

Today in 1998, Dennis Rodman was fined $25,000 and suspended indefinitely after kicking a cameraman in the crotch.

Michaels' Slide Accident

When Michaels was a teen, his friend worked at Great America and snuck him and his friend in to play on the slides. He went a little too hard on it, and knocked himself out by hitting his head on the metal slide. It resulted in stitches, amnesia, and a concussion.

He probably looked a little like this coming out of the bottom of the slide.

We found a picture of the slides, in the back left of the photo below. Click the button to see it.

Southwest Airlines Pilot Arrested

A pilot at the Savannah, Georgia, airport was arrested and charged with DUI before the plane even took off. Officers grabbed him during his precheck.

Sky King

A few years ago, a guy now referred to by the internet by "Sky King," was battling depression. He was a ground crew worker who stole a plane to fly once before ending his own life.

"I'm just a broken guy with a few screws loose." His name was Richard Russel. He never intended to hurt anyone, and even apologized profusely for ruining everyone's day.

Here's the whole audio:

Chicken Fries, Get Fried

A woman ordered her kid a thing of chicken fries, and it came with a side of lettuce... the devil's lettuce.

Woman Finds Herself Online

A woman is speaking out and up after looking for a recipe on FoodNetwork, when her computer auto-filled the URL to a porn site with a video of herself she didn't post, or know existed.

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