Dress up as Your Favorite White Trash Movie Star this Weekend
So what are the characteristics of movies that make them cult classics? There are many theories about this, but there are plenty of great examples to support each one. Some people believe it’s the flaws in the film that make it into a cult classic, while others think that it’s the popularity at the time of release that causes the movie to become one. Personally, I think it’s a mix of both, with some other elements thrown in to boot!
Cult Film?
Cult films are usually strange, quirky, offbeat, eccentric, oddball, or surreal, with outrageous, weird, unique and cartoony characters or plots. The term cult classic in popular culture implies that there is something in the film which makes it stand out from mainstream fare due to its unorthodox nature or unintentional campiness.
I'd say one of the ways to tell if a movie is a "cult classic" is how many people are able to dress up in costume as one of the characters. Some examples would be Rocky Horror Picture Show, Napoleon Dynamite, or Joe Dirt.
Party Time with JOE DIRT!
In fact, there's a Joe Dirt costume party happening soon! Dress up and join Ky & Ty acoustic for some live music and a redneck good time with plenty of drinks at the Riverview Roadhouse in LeClaire on Friday October 15th. LIVE Music starts at 8pm.
If you miss this party you might as well get you some whaaburgers and some french cries!
The Riverview Roadhouse Bar and Grill is the longest lasting bar and grill in LeClaire, Iowa. Open till 2am daily...on Cody Road.
50 Most Popular Chain Restaurants in America
YouGov investigated the most popular dining brands in the country, and Stacker compiled the list to give readers context on the findings. Read on to look through America's vast and divergent variety of restaurants—maybe you'll even find a favorite or two.