Distracted Driving Stats Might Make You Nervous to Ever Drive Again
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, so the National Safety Council put together a bunch of stats about just how distracted most drivers are.
You might find these a little disturbing:
- 35% of teenagers have browsed social media while driving or say they probably will once they get their license. 17% say they've already contributed to a crash because they got distracted.
- 45% of us feel pressured to check our work email while we're driving.
- 71% of us say you can have up to three drinks and still drive. 13% of people admitted to driving after smoking pot in the last month.
- 33% of us think it's fine to drive on less than four hours of sleep. Several studies have shown it can be as dangerous as driving drunk.
- About two-thirds of us have felt unsafe because someone else got distracted behind the wheel. Only 25% of us think our own distracted driving puts people at risk.
Read more at PR Newswire.