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[WATCH] Unpaid Construction Worker Drives Excavator into Building
[WATCH] Unpaid Construction Worker Drives Excavator into Building
[WATCH] Unpaid Construction Worker Drives Excavator into Building
A construction worker in Liverpool, England was upset that he didn't get paid, so he drove a mini excavator through the entrance of the Travelodge he was working on. He crashed through the doors, the glass panels, and into the front desk.
Fixing Klinger's Hand... Kind Of
Fixing Klinger's Hand... Kind Of
Fixing Klinger's Hand... Kind Of
After having a few beers over the weekend, Klinger confided to my wife (a nurse) that he has this weird bump on his hand and it's starting to bother him. She immediately identified it as a Ganglion Cyst and told him that a quick way to fix it is to hit it with a heavy book...
Employee Drives Truck Into Oil Pit
Employee Drives Truck Into Oil Pit
Employee Drives Truck Into Oil Pit
I've always wondered if this is something that has ever happened. I know when you pull in, they have you pull straight in and straight out, so I'm really wondering how this all happened. The person who recorded the vid said: Getting my oil change and the brilliant employees at Pennzoil drive my car into the oil pit, crushing the workers ankle...

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