Cigar Box Guitars are Fun, but Sound Foundations Make it Better
Sound Foundation Woodworking Academy always has really cool classes for those interested in learning more about their wood working craft. Or even for those who are mere beginners who have taken an interest in the artform.
I'll be honest, my YouTube home page looks a little dysfunctional. I've got tech reviews, live concerts, and a ton of wood working videos. Which...I guess makes sense because I found out about this class on Facebook (tech), about a guitar workshop (music), where you make your own guitar out of wood (wood working).
So, maybe this is the perfect class for you...maybe this is the perfect class for me!
According to Sound Foundations FB post:
Build a cigar box guitar! These are a lot of fun to build and a great primer for the upcoming guitar building class in August. In this one day class you'll start with a box and basic neck and leave with a finished guitar! We'll help and guide you the whole way.
This one day class is $245 and everything is included.
Now, if you're not familiar with the cigar box guitar...it's a very rudimentary guitar that uses and actual cigar box as the body of the guitar. But you've got to get the neck right. And if you don't have someone like the fine folks at Sound Foundations, it's not going to work right.
I can't wait to check out the full guitar build in August. I'll have to bring my buddy, who we call "Tex". He built his own guitar he called the Texicaster.